For those of you with established sales teams, I can take a deep dive into your sales processes. I look at how you generate leads, nurture your customers and develop opportunities before a formal request for a proposal lands on the doormat.
Typical problems I find are:
- Qualification under par (by one or many strokes)
- Pipelines padded with rubbish
- Blind bidding standard practice
- Salespeople telling, not selling
- Plans, what plans?
- No team culture
All this can be fixed. With your commitment to change, we can tighten up qualification, weed the pipeline, spruce up your planning, storytelling and tracking, and get folk working together.
For those of you new to running a sales team, I can help you set things up so the problems above don't happen to you.
Once you are up and running, I can bow out gracefully or provide regular, independent checkpoints to confirm how performance is progressing.